The new Library of Science website

Over 360 000 scientific articles from nearly 1 400 journals and mobile versions of books in Open Access – these resources are gathered in the largest scientific database in Poland with full-text publications – the Library of Science.

The Library of Science project is led by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling at the University of Warsaw as a part of the Open Science Platform. The new version of the library provides full-text publications of journals and books, along with an interface for automatic imports and uploads of new resources by journal editors and publishers. Thanks to the implementation of recognised technical standards, scientific publications which are available on the platform are very well visible for search engines and are thus easily accessible to all interested readers.

On 15th June, an online conference “Library of Science. Developing the infrastructure and resources of Open Science” will be held.

“During the conference, we would like to host a discussion about the needs and expectations of scientific publishers and journal editorial boards related to Open Access, especially in the context of the European and Polish scientific policy. It is also an opportunity to exchange international experiences related to Open Access to scientific publications. We have invited the representatives of European and national institutions responsible for the development of science and implementation of Open Access, as well as the representatives of other regional publication platforms,” informs Dr. Krzysztof Siewicz, coordinator of the Polish Scientific Publications Platform project.

More information on the project >>

The new version of the platform has been developed in the project “Platform of Polish Scientific Publications”, co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund (total project value: PLN 5 164 777,78, co-funding from European Funds: PLN 4370,951.43).



Data publikacji: 08 czerwca 2021

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 15 czerwca 2021